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Essay Database > Literature > English
Meadea's search for revenge commences after her husband, the famous greek hero Jason, leaves her for the power & prestige of the daughter of the ing of Corinth. Meadea becomes distraught over the news, especially sfter she reflects upon all what she destroyed for Jason. She felt lonely with no family, friends, or even land. Two great pains tear Medea, the betrayel of Jason and her betrayel of her country. This deeply angers Medea_ her trajic …

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…at her hands. Anger and madness usually let women take thae violence and kill themselves, but Meadea's case is different instead of killing herself she choose the painful way, killing her babies, which she will regrat her whole live. This form of revenge is cold-blooded and sadistic. Worst of all, she refuses to allow Jason access to his children's bodies to bury them or the ability to say goodbye to them. What a sweet revenge.