(Satirical Essay)The Real Problem with Illicit Drugs

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The actual problem with banned drugs is that they are way too expensive, not to mention they are so tricky to obtain that drug addicts must to commit crimes in order to supply their lifestyle. If only it was possible for citizens to stroll down to the nearest Mickey D's and purchase a magical mushroom burger, some fries with extra crack and don't forget the meth shake. People would not have to knock over a …

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…it my friend, brilliant. Every person requires a societal improvement in order to have the better lifestyle they deserve. Who wouldn't be up for living in the ultimate utopia? The public wants to see less sufferers of violence. The people must see less property violations and less assaults and frauds in order to grow and better the human race. Therefore, it is painfully obvious that all drugs should definitely be legal, inexpensive and easily accessible.