(Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare) --- What do you think of the idea that Mercutio was killed off by Shakespeare as he is a much more interesting character than Romeo?

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We expect Romeo, being the eponym and hero, to be the character of central focus throughout the play. However, at times, Mercutio seems more interesting to the audience and draws the focus away from Romeo. His death and its consequences shift the focus back on to Romeo and Juliet. This may have been intentional, on Shakespeare's part. ~ Benvolio presents Romeo as one who keeps to himself as he is alone but for his love for …

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…allowed to live on, he would have overshadowed the romance itself and Shakespeare could not let that happen. The only way to turn the focus back onto Romeo is to get rid of Mercutio. After the ensuing fight, the audience forget about Mercutio and turn their attention to Romeo and Juliet. This saves the play from turning into a comedy but rather into a tragic tale of two "star-crossed lovers". [essay written by Jonathan Kenton]