(Korean History) Death of Crown Prince Sado and Lady Hyegyong- Prince Sado's insanity and the events that led to his death

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In January of 1735, Prince Sado was born to King Yongjo and Lady Sonhui. With the birth of the heir, the future of the throne was secure. Due to King Yongjo's impatience to formally establish him as the Crown Prince with legal status, he was moved to Choson Pavilion, which was the residence that was intended for the Crown Prince. The pavilion was located far from his parents' home. There he was cared for by nurses …

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…Sado was put into the rice chest. It is said that the Prince entered the rice chest on his own, however, this may have been an attempt to avoid the appearance of a criminal execution. In the following two days, Yongjo had the chest bound tightly with ropes and covered with grass. The chest was then moved to the upper palace. On May 20, 8 days after the Prince entered the rice chest, Sado was announced dead.